Ragdoll’s have a mellow, sweet natured, snuggly personality. They will lay in your lap all day. They’re wonderful with children, gentle with seniors, they make friends with your other fur-guests in the home, and are even tempered over all. Ragdoll’s easy going nature is contagious, syncing your breathing with theirs is therapeutic. They are the perfect addition for just about anybody interested in adding a loving cat to their household. Ragdoll’s are the perfect breed for families with young children. They are patient while your young children learn how to pet gently. They will be your children’s best friend, teaching your kids to bond.
Kittens will be dewormed and have their first set of vaccinations by the time they are 8 weeks of age. Kittens will have been started on raw meat, by 5 weeks old. As all of WildFree cats and dogs are on a raw meat diet. To limit shedding, hair balls, matting, and to prevent a stinky litter box, we highly recommend keeping your cat on raw food. Not only will they have better hygiene, but it will keep their teeth clean, their bones strong, preventing deterioration of the bones as they age, and build strong immune systems. It is the most biologically appropriate food for a carnivore. These kittens will be exposed to other cats, kids/adults of all ages, and dogs. They are raised indoors, and are well handled and tamed.
Meet Jax’s Ragdolls
Beauty is my glorious Bicolour Blue Point Ragdoll. Her coat is lush and looks like a cloud. She has the softest coat of any animal I’ve ever touched. Similar to the coat of a chinchilla! Beauty’s temperament is very submissive, sweet, and soft natured. She lets kids wrap their arms around her and walk around while holding onto her like that. She is extremely patient and forgiving. She adores attention and loves to be loved. Beauty’s kittens will inherit not only her luscious coat but also her loving personality. Beauty is easy to fall in love with because she is so easy going and affectionate.
Akela is my registered, stunning, long haired, Seal Point Lynx, intact female, Ragdoll Cat with beautiful blue eyes. Akela is as needy as they come. She must be apart of every single thing that I am doing. While I change the baby, she climbs her way onto the change table, rubbing herself all over him. Her purr is so loud you can hear her coming from a mile away. She is a very happy girl. Akela will run between your legs while cooking or walking around the house. She doesn’t want to be left out of any activity. I expect Akela’s kittens will have kind hearted and affectionate personalities. She has a nurturing personality with not only her own kittens but also my baby. She guards her litter of kittens from the dogs. She also protects the baby when he is sitting on the floor. She has the most guardian traits of any cat I’ve ever met. She is the such an incredible mother and friend!
Solstice is my Health Tested, female, Mitted Bi-color, Blue Point 3/4 Ragdoll, 1/4 Siamese. Her short coat will bring some variety to coat lengths in the WildFree Feline program. She is such a doll! She’s very affectionate, loves to be near Kash and I. She didn’t take anytime at all to get used to the dogs. She’s extremely forgiving and patient with Kash (my son). She’s very well rounded and by far the most adaptable cat I’ve ever had. She’s quite sure of herself and radiates confidence . She also loves to run, chase, and play with her cat friends!